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#missedsomeone #newday #9f #bitches

21.12 | 0 Comment(s)

Hi. I know, there's nobody reading my post. And i dont know what to say. Well, im going to talk about nine grade stuff. At the first time i hate my class, 9F. So-much! I truly want to back to 8 grade. Nah, after time goes by i feel something a little thing comfortable in this class. Why? Cause no gank in this class, not like the others class *peace* This class only contains 9 girls. And we are so clooooooose! Now, my bestf in this class Alpik, Nanda, Nahla, Cabat, Ninot, Nia, Salwa, Cici and many moree :* But i miss you, yusabila, via, finka, anddd.... RANITA. Hey guys, still i your's? Your little bitch? Aha.

Juniar Fitrianti. Prefers to be called Pipit or Fitri. Born on 1st of June in Bontang. Vidatra35th. Beefberger

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